
Zero Gravitas

Zero /ˈzɪərəʊ/


no quantity or number; nought; the figure 0. #


adjust (an instrument) to zero.

set the sights of (a gun) for firing.

The Zero Gravitas project aims to counter everything that weighs us down in life. Seriousness for one thing - life is serious enough, without having to add yoga to it. Strain for another - our bodies tend to carry the burden of our psychological suffering, creating a vicious cycle of anxiety and tension. 

The yoga I practice and the yoga I teach aims to let all this gravitas drop away. Bit by bit, by practising together we try to calm, loosen, and uplift the body, and watch how the practice naturally allows the mind to feel light and clear.

Bringing together hatha, kundalini, bhakti, mantra, and jnana yoga, I help you to find and develop your own strong, stable practice to nourish and support you no matter what life throws your way.

Over time, you will build an adaptable, independent practice that you can carry with you regardless of geography, gender, or age.

The more you learn to let go, the lighter life becomes.



Gravitas /ˈɡravɪtas,ˈɡravɪtɑːs/ 


dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner.