Oxford: Stay Weird
A wyrd and wonderful weekend retreat was held for the first time at my alma mater, Magdalen College, Oxford. Today I seized the opportunity to write about what happened exactly twenty years ago - to the day - that I first set foot there as an undergraduate. Magdalena Floreat!
Telling Tales
The truth isn’t in the story, but in the way you tell it. On King Arthur and the truth of our own personal fairytales.
Sky Rocket into Spring
Fresh back from London, riding a rocket of inspiration from my recent round of teacher training under Kathy Ran at Black Lotus Studio.
Come Back To Your Senses
When we most need to practise, we’re usually least inclined to do it. Why on earth is that? Read on for a simple answer to a confounding question.
The End of Practise
Reflections on the Samkhya school of Indian philosophy, and why being less bothered by yoga practise can be a good thing…
Meditation Schmeditation
If you find meditation as tough, irritating, or downright boring as I do, then read on…
Castles in the Mind
The best way to treasure the past isn’t to keep it fixed, but, like a poem or a song, to revisit it with fresh eyes and ears.
Silly Bloody Humans
Digging into our linguistic past, we can discover the roots that bind us. But in the hunt for lost treasure, expect to unearth some skeletons as well…
Blessed be the Fruit
Regardless of our spiritual orientation, yoga is the science of creating sacred space in a secular world.
Shiitake: The Art of Turning Shit to Gold
Like death and decay to the mushroom, pain and suffering are the substrate from which human understanding can draw great stores of nourishment.